I have been using Postman to test out HTTP requests or APIs for years now. But I came across a VS Code extension that might replace it. Let us have a look it it.
The VS Code extension that we are going to talk about is Thunder Client.
Check this out :- https://www.thunderclient.io/
Thunder Client is a VS Code extension for testing HTTP requests. It is a Postman alternative. I am hoping that this will fully replace Postman in the near future.
Let us install this extension now.
Open VS Code and search for the extension “Thunder Client” .

After installing this extension, you can see a thunder icon on the left most panel of the VS code.

This means, we have successfully installed our extension. Let us test an API now.
Click on the thunder icon -> New Request .

This looks somewhat like Postman, right ?
Let me try a GET request and check if it gives a response. My endpoint would be https://reqres.in/api/users?page=2

Viola !! I got the desired response.
I loved this extension. I hope you will like it too.
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